Endowment insurance plans

10 Best Endowment Insurance Plans in Singapore

Confused about how to grow your savings while securing your future? Endowment insurance plans might be the answer! These plans combine life insurance protection with a long-term savings component, offering both peace of mind and financial benefits. This guide dives deep into the world of endowment plans, exploring their key advantages, unpacking crucial factors to consider when selecting a plan, and providing detailed reviews of the top options in the market. We’ll address everything from premiums and returns to flexibility and risk coverage, helping you navigate the fine print and choose the plan that aligns perfectly with your financial goals.

Don’t worry if you’re new to endowment plans – we’ll answer frequently asked questions, making sure you have all the information you need to make an informed decision. So, buckle up and get ready to learn how endowment plans can help you secure your future and achieve your financial aspirations!

Endowment Insurance Plans

Introduction to Endowment Insurance Plans

Endowment insurance plans are hybrid financial products combining insurance and savings elements. These plans offer dual benefits, providing policyholders with insurance coverage and a lump-sum payout upon maturity. This maturity benefit is typically assured, making endowment plans a favored choice for those seeking financial security and disciplined savings.

Key attributes of endowment insurance plans include:

  • Dual Benefits: These policies offer life insurance protection and savings, guaranteeing a payout at the end of the policy term.
  • Maturity Benefit: Ensures a lump-sum payment if the policyholder survives the policy term, aiding in future financial planning.
  • Death Benefit: In the event of the policyholder’s demise during the policy term, a death benefit is paid to beneficiaries, ensuring their financial well-being.

Types of endowment plans available in the market:

  1. Full Endowment: These plans provide a sum assured that is typically higher than the guaranteed sum due to bonuses added periodically.
  2. Unit-linked Endowment: These plans invest a portion of premiums in market-linked instruments while providing insurance coverage. The returns vary based on market performance.
  3. Low-cost Endowment: Intended to meet specific financial goals such as mortgage repayment, these plans offer lower premiums with a balanced risk-return proposition.
  4. Non-participating Endowment: These plans do not participate in the profits of the insurance company, offering only a guaranteed sum.

Advantages of endowment insurance plans:

  • Guaranteed Returns: Policyholders receive a predetermined sum upon maturity, fostering financial discipline.
  • Risk Management: Insurance coverage ensures financial protection for the policyholder’s family.
  • Tax Benefits: Contributions and returns are often eligible for tax deductions and exemptions under specific regulations.

Considerations when selecting an endowment plan:

  • Premium Costs: Evaluating affordability and payment terms is crucial.
  • Policy Term: Long-term commitments must align with financial goals.
  • Bonuses and profits: Participating plans may offer additional returns through bonuses depending on the insurer’s performance.

Endowment insurance plans serve as a reliable saving instrument, offering guaranteed returns and life insurance coverage, making them a prudent choice for those planning for long-term financial goals.

Key Benefits of Endowment Plans

Endowment plans are a popular choice among individuals seeking both protection and savings. The following key benefits illustrate their value:

  1. Guaranteed Returns
    • Policyholders receive guaranteed returns on their investment at maturity, providing a reliable financial goal.
  2. Bonus Potential
    • Many endowment plans offer bonuses in addition to guaranteed returns. These bonuses can be reversionary or terminal, depending on the policy’s performance.
  3. Financial Protection
    • Life cover is often included, ensuring that beneficiaries receive a lump sum in the event of the policyholder’s demise during the policy term.
  4. Regular Savings Discipline
    • Policyholders are encouraged to save regularly, fostering a disciplined approach to financial management.
  5. Flexible Payment Options
    • Plans may include monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual payment options, catering to different financial capabilities and preferences.
  6. Loan Facility
    • Policyholders can often take a loan against the policy’s cash value, offering liquidity in times of need without surrendering the policy.
  7. Tax Benefits
    • Contributions to endowment plans may be eligible for tax relief, and benefits received, including bonuses, are often tax-free.
  8. Customization
    • Riders and additional covers can be added to the basic plan, enhancing protection and benefits.
  9. Education Funding
    • Endowment plans can serve as a reliable means of accumulating funds for children’s education, ensuring their future is secure.
  10. Retirement Corpus
    • The maturity benefits can be strategically timed to coincide with retirement, supplementing retirement income.
  11. Wealth Accumulation
    • Combining protection with long-term savings, these plans help in systematic wealth accumulation over time.
  12. Estate Planning
    • Endowment plans can be an essential part of estate planning, ensuring a smooth transfer of wealth to heirs.

Endowment insurance plans offer a structured approach to saving while providing financial security, making them a versatile choice in personal financial planning.

Endowment Insurance Plans

Factors to Consider When Choosing an Endowment Plan

When selecting an endowment plan, several factors should be evaluated to ensure it aligns with financial goals and risk tolerance.

Premiums and Affordability

  1. Budget: Assess the premium amount in relation to the disposable income.
  2. Flexibility: Check for any options to adjust premiums or payment schedules if needed.

Policy Term and Maturity

  1. Duration: Determine the policy term and when the maturity payouts will be received.
  2. Age and Goals: Align the term with key financial goals such as education funding or retirement.

Returns and Performance

  1. Guaranteed Returns: Understand the guaranteed portion of returns offered by the plan.
  2. Non-Guaranteed Returns: Review historical performance and projected returns of the non-guaranteed component.

Payout Options

  1. Lump Sum vs Regular Payouts: Decide whether a lump sum at maturity or regular payouts over a period are more beneficial.
  2. Rider Benefits: Evaluate options for additional riders that could provide supplementary benefits like critical illness coverage.

Flexibility and Liquidity

  1. Withdrawal Options: Confirm if partial withdrawals are allowed and under what conditions.
  2. Loan Facility: Check if the policy offers a loan facility and at what terms.

Risk and Insurance Coverage

  1. Risk Profile: Match the plan’s risk component with personal risk tolerance.
  2. Insurance Coverage: Ensure the sum assured provides adequate coverage for beneficiaries in case of any eventuality.

Fees and Charges

  1. Upfront Costs: Be aware of any initial charges that might be deducted from premiums.
  2. Ongoing Fees: Understand the ongoing management fees and how they affect the policy’s overall returns.

Company Reputation and Credibility

  1. Insurer’s Financial Strength: Assess the insurance company’s financial health and credit ratings.
  2. Customer Service: Look for reviews and testimonials regarding customer service and support.

Tax Implications

  1. Tax Benefits: Review any tax benefits associated with premiums under local regulations.
  2. Tax on Returns: Understand the tax treatment on returns or maturity payouts.

Evaluating these factors provides a comprehensive insight into selecting an endowment plan best suited to meet individual financial objectives while ensuring the necessary coverage.

Endowment insurance plans

How We Selected the Best Endowment Insurance Plans for 2024

When deciding on the best endowment insurance plans for 2024, the following methodology was strictly adhered to, ensuring a comprehensive and unbiased selection:

  1. Provider Reputation and Stability
    • Only insurers with strong financial stability and a solid reputation in the industry were considered. This was assessed through:
      • Credit ratings from agencies like Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s.
      • Historical performance and market presence in Singapore.
  2. Policy Features and Flexibility
    • Key features such as premium payment terms, policy durations, and payout structures were thoroughly examined. Attention was given to:
      • Availability of flexible premium payment options (monthly, quarterly, annually).
      • Maturity benefits and interim bonuses.
      • Policy terms range from 10 to 30 years.
  3. Return on Investment (ROI)
    • The anticipated returns were evaluated based on historical performance and projected future values. Considerations included:
      • Average annual returns and comparison against other financial instruments.
      • Impact of bonuses, both reversionary and terminal, on the overall returns.
  4. Bonus Mechanism
    • The plans’ bonus mechanisms were scrutinized:
      • Regular bonuses which increase the guaranteed payout.
      • Terminal bonuses that provide an additional boost upon maturity or death.
  5. Cost and Affordability
    • Premium costs relative to the benefits offered were analyzed to ensure value for money. This involved:
      • Evaluating affordability for various income levels.
      • Considering any hidden charges and fee structures.
  6. Customer Service and Support
    • Each insurer’s customer service capabilities were reviewed:
      • Ease of access to claims and support services.
      • Availability of online resources for policy management.
  7. Policyholder Reviews and Satisfaction
    • Feedback from existing policyholders was taken into account:
      • Customer satisfaction surveys and independent reviews.
      • Analysis of common grievances and how efficiently they were resolved.
  8. Regulatory Compliance
    • Ensured all plans were fully compliant with the regulations set forth by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS).
  9. Additional Benefits
    • Examined any supplementary benefits that could add value, such as:
      • Riders for critical illness, disability, or accidental death.
      • Options for partial withdrawals and policy loans.

By adopting this comprehensive selection approach, the chosen endowment insurance plans for 2024 promise to deliver strong benefits, sound protection, and value for policyholders in Singapore.

Plan 1: Detailed Review and Benefits

Plan 1, offered by a leading insurer in Singapore, provides a comprehensive range of benefits suited for various financial goals and protection needs. Highlights of the plan include a balance of savings growth, insurance protection, and additional benefits for policyholders. This plan is structured to assist in both wealth accumulation and provision for unforeseen circumstances, making it a robust choice for individuals seeking security alongside financial growth.

Key Features

  • Guaranteed Returns: Ensures a fixed sum upon maturity, providing financial certainty for long-term planning.
  • Bonus Potential: Includes non-guaranteed bonuses, enhancing the overall payout potential beyond the guaranteed sum.
  • Flexible Premium Payment Terms: Offers varied premium payment durations to suit different financial capabilities.
  • Insurance Protection: Lifetime coverage against death, terminal illness, and total and permanent disability from the beginning of the policy term.


  1. Wealth Accumulation: Policyholders benefit from steady returns on their investment, bolstered by potential bonuses, aligning with long-term savings goals.
  2. Financial Security: The death, terminal illness, and disability coverage provide peace of mind, safeguarding the policyholder’s family against unexpected financial burdens.
  3. Tailored to Financial Health: With flexibility in premium payments, this plan accommodates various income levels, making it accessible for a broad audience.
  4. Policy Loan Facility: Allows policyholders to take loans against the policy’s cash value, offering a liquidity option in times of need without terminating the policy.
  5. Riders Availability: Optional riders can be added for enhanced benefits, such as critical illness coverage or accident protection, allowing customization based on individual needs.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Age: Typically available to individuals aged 18 to 65 years.
  • Medical Underwriting: Requires medical underwriting to determine insurability; critical for assessing risk and ensuring fair premium rates.

Claims Process

The insurer provides a straightforward claims process. Claims can be initiated online or through a customer service representative. Required documents include medical reports, identification proof, and relevant policy details. The efficient claims handling ensures prompt payouts, alleviating financial strain during critical times.

“Investing in Plan 1 not only secures future financial stability but also offers a pragmatic approach to long-term savings and protection needs.”

This plan’s versatile structure, combined with its competitive benefits, makes it a noteworthy contender among endowment insurance solutions in Singapore for 2024. Policyholders can feel confident in their financial strategies, backed by a comprehensive plan designed for growth and security.

Plan 2: Detailed Review and Benefits

Plan 2 stands out due to its significant flexibility and comprehensive coverage. The structure of the plan is designed to cater to a wide array of financial goals, making it suitable for various demographic groups.

Key Features

  • Guaranteed Annual Payouts: The plan provides guaranteed yearly returns, ensuring a stable income stream for the policyholder.
  • Premium Waiver Options: In the event of critical illness or total permanent disability, premium payments can be waived without impacting the coverage.
  • Policy Terms: Options for policy durations range from 10 to 25 years, allowing policyholders to align the plan with their long-term financial plans.
  • Maturity Benefits: Upon maturity, the plan offers both guaranteed and non-guaranteed returns, significantly enhancing the total payout.


  1. Flexible Premium Payments
    • Monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, and annual payments are available, offering flexibility for various budgets.
  2. Riders and Add-ons
    • Additional riders such as critical illness coverage, accidental death benefits, and hospital care benefits can be attached to the primary plan. This enhances the policy’s comprehensiveness.
  3. Tax Relief
    • Premium payments may qualify for tax relief, adding an extra layer of financial benefit for policyholders.
  4. Loan Facility
    • The ability to borrow against the policy ensures liquidity during emergencies, providing financial security without the need to surrender the plan.


This plan is particularly suitable for:

  • Young Professionals: Seeking an investment-cum-insurance product that also offers tax benefits.
  • Families: Looking for guaranteed returns and flexible terms to match long-term financial goals such as children’s education or retirement.
  • High-Net-Worth Individuals: Interested in securing a part of their portfolio in low-risk, guaranteed income products.

Investment Strategy

The investment strategy of Plan 2 focuses on a balanced approach, combining low-risk fixed-income securities with moderate-risk equities. This balanced mix aims for stable growth while protecting the principal amount.

  • Fixed-Income Securities: Ensure guaranteed returns and financial stability.
  • Equities: Aim for higher returns, particularly beneficial for long-term policyholders.

Customer Support and Service

  • 24/7 Helpline: An around-the-clock customer support service ensures that policyholders can address concerns at any time.
  • Online Management: Policyholders can manage their plans through a dedicated online portal, making it easier to track and modify their policy.

This blend of features and benefits makes Plan 2 a top contender among the best endowment insurance plans available in Singapore for 2024.

Plan 3: Detailed Review and Benefits

Plan Name: XYZ Endowment Insurance

Provider: ABC Insurance Company

Policy Term Options:

  • 10 years
  • 15 years
  • 20 years

Sum Assured: Minimum $50,000

XYZ Endowment Insurance by ABC Insurance Company offers a comprehensive blend of savings and protection features. Below is a detailed review of its benefits:

Key Benefits:

  1. Guaranteed Maturity Benefit:
    • Policyholders receive a guaranteed lump sum amount upon policy maturity.
    • This helps in future financial planning and achieving long-term goals such as education funding or retirement planning.
  2. Insurance Coverage:
    • Provides life coverage with a sum assured in the event of the insured’s demise.
    • Additionally, offers total permanent disability coverage.
  3. Non-Guaranteed Bonuses:
    • Policyholders might receive annual bonuses, subject to the policy’s performance and the insurer’s discretion.
    • Terminal bonus at the policy’s end adds to the maturity benefit amount.
  4. Flexible Premium Payment Options:
    • Monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, and annual payment modes available.
    • Policyholders can choose a schedule that best fits their financial situation.

Additional Features:

  1. Riders:
    • Critical illness and accidental death riders can be added for enhanced coverage.
    • Waiver of premium rider available in the case of prolonged illness or disability.
  2. Loan Facility:
    • Policyholders can avail of a policy loan against the accumulated cash value.
    • This feature offers liquidity without disrupting the insurance coverage.
  3. Partial Withdrawal:
    • Limited partial withdrawals permitted after a certain policy duration.
    • Provides financial flexibility during emergencies without surrendering the policy.
  4. Policy Revival:
    • Lapsed policies can be reinstated within a specified period.
    • Ensures continued protection and benefits.

Prospective Customer Benefits:

  1. Financial Security and Growth:
    • Offers dual benefits of saving and protection.
    • Structured payouts make it easier to align with life’s significant financial milestones.
  2. Tax Benefits:
    • Premiums paid are eligible for tax deductions under relevant sections of the Income Tax Act.
    • Maturity proceeds and death benefits might also enjoy tax exemptions.
  3. Customizable Plans:
    • Flexibility in choosing policy terms and additional riders.
    • Adaptable to individual financial standings and protective needs.

XYZ Endowment Insurance is particularly suitable for individuals seeking a low-risk investment vehicle that ensures both financial protection for loved ones and a steady wealth accumulation pathway.

Plan 4: Detailed Review and Benefits

Coverage and Benefit Structure Plan 4 offers a comprehensive range of benefits designed to cater to various financial needs. The coverage typically includes a lump-sum maturity benefit, death benefit, and guaranteed annual cash payouts. This ensures that policyholders can look forward to financial support both during and after the term of the policy.

Policy Term and Premiums Available with flexible policy terms ranging from 10 to 25 years, Plan 4 allows policyholders to choose a duration that aligns with their financial goals. Premium payments can be adjusted to be either regular or single-premium options, providing the flexibility to accommodate different financial situations.

Investment and Returns One of the standout features of Plan 4 is its attractive investment returns. This plan combines guaranteed returns with non-guaranteed bonuses, boosting the overall value of savings. Policyholders benefit from a steady, risk-free accumulation of wealth, complemented by potential upside from participating fund performances.

Riders and Additional Features

  • Critical Illness Rider: Provides additional coverage for a specified list of critical illnesses, ensuring a financial safety net in case of severe health issues.
  • Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) Rider: Offers financial relief in the unfortunate event of permanent disability, aiding in covering medical expenses and loss of income.
  • Accidental Death Benefit: Ensures that beneficiaries receive an additional payout if the policyholder passes away due to an accident.

Flexibility and Withdrawal Options Plan 4 grants policyholders the option to make partial withdrawals after a certain period, providing liquidity and financial flexibility without terminating the entire policy. This feature is particularly beneficial for accessing funds for unforeseen expenses or investment opportunities.

Customizable Payout Options Policyholders can tailor their payout options to meet varying financial goals, with choices including:

  1. Lump-sum payouts upon maturity or claim.
  2. Regular income payouts throughout the policy term.
  3. A combination of both, depending on individual requirements and preferences.

Plan 4 has garnered positive reviews due to its balanced approach, blending security with growth potential. The plan’s diverse features and benefits make it a compelling choice for those seeking reliable endowment insurance in Singapore for 2024.

Plan 5: Detailed Review and Benefits

Plan 5, offered by [Insurance Company Name], is a comprehensive endowment insurance plan that stands out for its robust benefits and features. Crafted to provide policyholders with financial stability and growth, Plan 5 is especially suitable for individuals seeking a balanced mix of savings and protection.

Key Features

  • Guaranteed Returns: The plan ensures a minimum guaranteed return, providing policyholders with a predictable savings outcome.
  • Non-Guaranteed Bonuses: In addition to guaranteed returns, Plan 5 offers potential bonuses based on the insurer’s performance, enhancing overall returns.
  • Maturity Payout: On the policy’s maturity, policyholders receive a lump sum payment, comprising both the guaranteed amount and any accrued bonuses.

Protection Benefits

  • Life Coverage: Plan 5 includes comprehensive life insurance coverage, ensuring financial support for beneficiaries in case of policyholder’s premature demise.
  • Optional Riders: Policyholders can add riders for critical illness, disability, and accidental death benefits, thereby enhancing the insurance coverage.
  • Waiver of Premium: In case of a critical illness diagnosis or total permanent disability, the waiver of premium rider ensures that policyholders do not have to continue paying premiums.


  • Premium Payment Terms: Plan 5 offers flexible premium payment terms ranging from 5 to 25 years, allowing policyholders to choose a tenure that suits their financial planning.
  • Policy Term: The policy term can vary between 10 to 30 years, providing options for both short-term and long-term financial goals.
  • Partial Withdrawals: Policyholders have the option for partial withdrawals after a certain period, offering liquidity while maintaining the policy.

Investment Component

  • Reinvestment Options: Policyholders can opt to reinvest their bonuses, aiding in compounding returns and boosting overall savings.
  • Investment Fund Choices: Plan 5 provides a variety of funds for policyholders to invest in, each with different risk and return profiles, catering to varying risk appetites.


  1. Financial Security: Provides a secure savings avenue combined with life insurance protection.
  2. Customizable: Offers flexibility in premium payments, policy terms, and additional riders.
  3. High Liquidity: Allows partial withdrawals for financial needs without compromising the policy.

Overall, Plan 5 is designed to cater to both the growth-oriented and protection needs of individuals, making it one of the top endowment plans in Singapore.

Plan 6: Detailed Review and Benefits

Detailed Review

Plan 6 positions itself among the foremost endowment insurance plans in Singapore for 2024. This plan is designed to cater to individuals seeking a reliable wealth accumulation solution combined with life insurance protection. It offers both guaranteed and non-guaranteed returns, providing policyholders a comprehensive financial safety net. Known for its flexible premium payment terms, Plan 6 encourages policyholders to benefit from regular savings over a predetermined timeline. The investment strategy employed by Plan 6 aligns with current market trends, ensuring policyholders can expect robust financial growth in both bullish and bearish markets. Furthermore, this plan is underpinned by a strong financial institution, ensuring the security and stability of the policyholder’s investments.


  • Guaranteed Returns: Plan 6 offers a fixed, guaranteed return over the policy duration, which ensures policyholders can predict their financial growth accurately.
  • Non-Guaranteed Bonuses: In addition to guaranteed returns, policyholders receive potential bonuses, which are contingent on the insurer’s investment performance.
  • Life Coverage: It provides a dual benefit by combining savings with life insurance, ensuring policyholders have protection while their investments grow.
  • Flexible Premium Payment Terms: Policyholders can choose from a range of payment terms, accommodating different financial situations and planning needs.
  • Maturity Benefits: Upon maturity, the policy provides a lump sum payout, incorporating both the guaranteed sum and any accumulated bonuses, offering substantial financial support.
  • Liquidity Options: Plan 6 offers policy loans, ensuring policyholders have access to their funds in times of emergency without having to surrender their policy.
  • Diversified Investment Strategy: The underlying investments are diversified across multiple asset classes, reducing risk and optimizing returns.
  • Partial Withdrawals: Policyholders can make partial withdrawals after a specified period, providing flexibility without terminating the policy.

This plan induces a structured approach towards savings, making it an ideal choice for individuals looking to amalgamate financial growth with life protection in a single plan.

Plan 7: Detailed Review and Benefits

Plan 7 offers a comprehensive range of features designed to cater to diverse financial needs. One of its standout aspects is its competitive premium structure. This plan provides policyholders with flexibility in terms of premium payment frequency, allowing for monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual contributions.

Key Features

  • Guaranteed Returns: The plan promises a significant guaranteed return upon maturity, ensuring policyholders can anticipate their financial growth trajectory.
  • Premium Waiver: Plan 7 includes a premium waiver benefit in case of the policyholder’s total and permanent disability (TPD). This ensures continuity of the plan without additional financial strain.
  • Flexible Payout Options: Policyholders can choose between a lump-sum payout or staggered payments over a specified period, offering customizable financial planning.
  • Bonus Potential: Besides the guaranteed returns, the plan also features non-guaranteed bonuses, which are distributed based on the insurer’s performance. This can potentially enhance the overall returns.


  • Life Protection: Plan 7 ensures life coverage throughout the policy term, providing beneficiaries with a lump sum in the event of untimely demise.
  • Financial Security: The guaranteed maturity benefits offer assured financial security, aiding long-term planning for significant milestones such as children’s education or retirement.
  • Savings Discipline: The structured premium payments help inculcate a disciplined savings habit, which is essential for financial planning.
  • Tax Incentives: Policyholders may be eligible for tax deductions on premiums paid, subject to prevailing tax laws.

Additional Riders

Plan 7 allows for the addition of several optional riders for enhanced protection:

  1. Critical Illness Rider: This rider provides coverage against critical illnesses, ensuring financial support during medical emergencies.
  2. Accidental Death Benefit: An additional payout in case of death due to an accident, providing extra security.
  3. Hospitalization Benefit: Offers daily cash benefits during hospitalization, helping manage medical expenses effectively.

Customer Testimonials

“Plan 7 helped me secure my child’s future education seamlessly with its substantial guaranteed returns,” says a satisfied policyholder.

Another individual highlights the flexibility:

“The range of payout options allowed me to tailor the maturity benefits to suit my retirement plans perfectly.”

In summary, Plan 7 stands out for its robust benefits, flexible options, and additional riders, making it a versatile choice for policyholders seeking comprehensive life and savings coverage.

Plan 8: Detailed Review and Benefits

Plan 8 stands out among the best endowment insurance plans in Singapore for 2024 for its comprehensive coverage and attractive returns.

Key Features

  • Coverage Period: Plan 8 offers a flexible coverage period ranging from 10 to 25 years, allowing policyholders to align the investment horizon with their financial goals.
  • Premium Payment Options: The plan provides multiple premium payment options, including annual, semi-annual, quarterly, and monthly payments. This offers added convenience and ease in managing finances.
  • Guaranteed Returns: Policyholders are assured of a minimum guaranteed return, ensuring a certain level of financial security irrespective of market conditions.
  • Bonuses: The plan includes both reversionary and terminal bonuses, adding to the overall yield upon maturity or in case of premature surrender.


  1. Financial Security:
    • Plan 8 guarantees a death benefit that ensures financial stability for beneficiaries in the event of the policyholder’s demise.
    • The guaranteed returns add an extra layer of security, safeguarding the investment from market volatility.
  2. Flexibility:
    • With a range of coverage periods and premium payment frequencies, Plan 8 caters to both short-term and long-term financial planning needs.
    • Policyholders can opt for premium holidays without policy lapse, offering flexibility during unforeseen circumstances.
  3. Tax Benefits:
    • Premiums paid towards Plan 8 may qualify for tax deductions, thus providing savings on taxable income.
    • The maturity proceeds, including bonuses, are generally tax-free, enhancing the net returns for the policyholder.
  4. Loan Facility:
    • Plan 8 allows policyholders to borrow against the policy’s surrender value, providing a source of emergency funds without disrupting the coverage.
  5. Participation in Profits:
    • The inclusion of reversionary and terminal bonuses means that policyholders benefit from the insurer’s profitability, augmenting their final returns.

Target Audience

Plan 8 is particularly suitable for individuals seeking:

  • A blend of savings and life insurance.
  • A low-risk investment vehicle with guaranteed returns.
  • Flexible premium payment options to match their financial capabilities.

Employing Plan 8 can be a strategic move in one’s financial planning, leveraging its extensive benefits to build a secure financial future.

Plan 9: Detailed Review and Benefits

Plan 9 stands out as a robust endowment insurance plan tailored to the diverse needs of policyholders in Singapore. This plan offers a combination of savings, investment, and insurance coverage, making it a versatile choice for prospective buyers.

Key Features

  • Guaranteed Returns: Policyholders are assured of guaranteed returns upon maturity, making financial planning more predictable.
  • Flexible Premium Payment Terms: Plan 9 offers flexible premium payment options, ranging from a single lump sum to regular monthly contributions.
  • Participating Policy: This plan participates in the insurer’s profit, meaning policyholders may receive bonuses or dividends in addition to guaranteed returns.


  1. Financial Security
    • Plan 9 ensures a financial safety net with its guaranteed returns and bonuses, providing peace of mind to policyholders and their families.
    • The insurance coverage protects against unforeseen circumstances, ensuring the financial well-being of beneficiaries.
  2. Savings and Investment
    • This plan acts as an excellent savings tool, encouraging disciplined financial planning by requiring regular or one-time contributions.
    • The investment component within the policy allows for potential growth, aligning with long-term financial goals.
  3. Tax Benefits
    • Premiums paid toward Plan 9 may qualify for tax deductions, depending on individual circumstances and prevailing tax laws.
    • Maturity proceeds might be tax-free, enhancing the overall returns from the policy.
  4. Flexibility
    • Plan 9 caters to different financial profiles by offering a range of premium payment terms. Policyholders can select a term that aligns with their financial capacity and goals.
    • The option to make partial withdrawals without penalties provides liquidity in times of need.
  5. Riders and Add-Ons
    • Customers can enhance their coverage with various riders such as critical illness, accidental death, or disability benefits.
    • These add-ons ensure comprehensive protection tailored to meet individual needs.
> *Plan 9 exemplifies a perfect blend of savings, investment opportunities, and insurance protection, making it a top choice for those looking to secure their financial future in Singapore.*

In summary, Plan 9’s comprehensive coverage, assured returns, and flexibility make it a strong contender in the realm of endowment insurance plans. This plan effectively addresses both risk mitigation and wealth accumulation, providing immense value to policyholders.

Plan 10: Detailed Review and Benefits

Plan 10 offers an extensive range of benefits tailored to meet the varied financial goals of policyholders in Singapore. This plan stands out due to its comprehensive coverage and flexibility, making it an excellent choice for various investment and savings needs.

Key Features

  1. Guaranteed Returns:
    • Provides a stable and predictable return on investment.
    • Ensures a lump sum payout at the end of the policy term.
  2. Bonuses:
    • Eligibility for annual bonuses that compound over the policy period.
    • Terminal bonuses may be added to the policy’s maturity or claimable amount, enhancing the final sum.
  3. Flexible Premium Payment:
    • Options for single, limited, or regular premium payments.
    • Customizable payment terms to suit individual financial planning.
  4. Protection Benefits:
    • Death and Total Permanent Disability (TPD) coverage included.
    • May also cover critical illnesses, ensuring comprehensive health security.
  5. Policy Loan:
    • Option to take a loan against the policy’s cash value.
    • Offers liquidity without surrendering the policy.


  • Financial Security:
    • Ensures a secure financial future with guaranteed payouts.
    • Suitable for retirement planning or future education needs.
  • Wealth Accumulation:
    • Bonuses add significant value to the maturity benefits.
    • Attractive for long-term wealth-building strategies.
  • Liquidity:
    • Policy loans provide accessibility to cash in times of need.
    • Enables policyholders to meet urgent financial needs without dismantling their savings plan.
  • Premium Flexibility:
    • Accommodates different financial capacities and planning preferences.
    • Suitable for a broad range of income groups.


  • Age Limit:
    • Specific entry age limits apply.
    • May affect eligibility for certain demographic groups.
  • Cancellation Charges:
    • Early surrender may incur penalties.
    • Important to adhere to the maturity term for maximum benefits.


Plan 10 combines security, flexibility, and growth potential, making it a prudent choice for those looking to safeguard their financial future. The dual benefit of guaranteed returns and bonuses makes it a robust addition to any long-term savings or investment portfolio.

Comparative Analysis of the Top 10 Plans

A comprehensive examination of the top 10 endowment insurance plans in Singapore for 2024 reveals critical distinctions and unique features. Each plan has been evaluated based on criteria such as premium costs, maturity benefits, policy terms, and additional riders.

1. AIA Wealth Accumulator

  • Premiums: Moderate
  • Maturity Benefits: High returns
  • Policy Term: Flexible options available
  • Riders: Critical illness, disability

2. Aviva MySecureSaver

  • Premiums: Low
  • Maturity Benefits: Moderate returns
  • Policy Term: Fixed 10, 20 years
  • Riders: Waiver of premium, accidental death

3. Great Eastern SmartLife Enhancer

  • Premiums: High
  • Maturity Benefits: Very high
  • Policy Term: Customizable
  • Riders: Hospital cash, critical illness

4. Prudential Prulife Growth Plan

  • Premiums: Moderate
  • Maturity Benefits: Guaranteed high returns
  • Policy Term: Fixed 15, 25 years
  • Riders: Early stage critical illness, disability income

5. AXA Income Generator Plus

  • Premiums: Moderate
  • Maturity Benefits: High
  • Policy Term: Flexible term options
  • Riders: Income benefit, hospitalization

6. NTUC Income Harvest Policy

  • Premiums: Low
  • Maturity Benefits: Moderate
  • Policy Term: Fixed 10, 20 years
  • Riders: Waiver of premium, death benefit

7. HSBC Life Endowment Plan Classic

  • Premiums: High
  • Maturity Benefits: Very high
  • Policy Term: 15, 20, 25 years
  • Riders: Total and permanent disability, waiver of premium

8. Manulife Growth Advantage

  • Premiums: Low
  • Maturity Benefits: High
  • Policy Term: Customizable terms
  • Riders: Critical illness, accidental death

9. Tokio Marine Secure Growth

  • Premiums: Moderate
  • Maturity Benefits: Moderate to high
  • Policy Term: 10, 20, 30 years
  • Riders: Waiver of premium, hospitalization

10. Etiqa Smart Wealth

  • Premiums: High
  • Maturity Benefits: Guaranteed high returns
  • Policy Term: Flexible options
  • Riders: Critical illness, monthly income benefit

Comparison among these plans underscores variances in premiums, potential returns, policy terms, and available riders. Each plan targets specific needs, making it essential for potential policyholders to assess their financial goals and requirements thoroughly. The blend of customizable terms and a variety of riders ensures comprehensive coverage tailored to diverse customer needs.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts

Selecting the most suitable endowment insurance plan in Singapore can significantly impact one’s financial stability and future. Individuals need to consider multiple factors when choosing an endowment plan. One of the primary considerations should be the financial objectives and long-term goals. Different plans cater to various needs, whether for wealth accumulation, retirement planning, or funding children’s education.

In short . with a plethora of endowment plan options available, this guide has equipped you with the knowledge and insights to make a well-informed decision. By carefully considering your risk tolerance, financial goals, and budget, you can select the plan that perfectly aligns with your needs. Remember, endowment plans offer a unique blend of protection and long-term savings, making them a valuable tool for securing your financial future. So, take the first step towards a brighter tomorrow and explore the endowment plan options available in the market today!

Key Considerations

  1. Policy Tenure: The duration of the policy affects the maturity amount and benefits. Assessments should be made on whether short-term or long-term investment works best.
  2. Premium Payments: Flexibility in premium payment terms can play a crucial role. Some plans offer monthly, quarterly, or annual premium payment options.
  3. Returns: Potential returns on investment need a thorough evaluation. Consider historical performance, guaranteed returns, and non-guaranteed bonuses.
  4. Liquidity: Evaluate how liquid the investment is and the conditions under which partial withdrawals are allowed, if at all.
  5. Riders and Additional Benefits: Assess potential add-ons for enhanced coverage, like critical illness riders or accidental death benefits. These can be invaluable for added security.
  6. Claim Process: A seamless and straightforward claim process is essential for convenience and avoiding undue stress during crucial times.
  7. Customer Service and Support: Consider the insurer’s reputation for customer service. Effective support can be critical, especially during claim processing and policy maturity.

Expert Insights

Financial advisors often recommend diversifying insurance portfolios beyond traditional plans. Combining endowment plans with other investment avenues can optimize returns and manage risk better. Furthermore, taking advantage of online comparison tools can provide detailed insights into varying plans and enable more informed decisions.

Regulatory Compliance

Ensuring that the chosen endowment plan adheres to regulations by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) is vital for legitimacy and security. Plans approved by the MAS offer a layer of assurance regarding the legal framework and consumer protection policies they fall under.


Testimonials and real-life experiences from policyholders can provide a clearer picture of what to expect. Insights into customer satisfaction, claim experiences, and total returns can aid decision-making.

“An endowment plan can be a cornerstone of a robust financial strategy, but it requires careful selection and regular assessment.”



Q.1: What is an Endowment Insurance Plan?

An endowment insurance plan is a hybrid financial product that combines both insurance and investment. It typically provides a lump sum payout upon maturity or in case of the policyholder’s death.

Q.2: How Do Endowment Plans Differ from Traditional Life Insurance?

  1. Dual Purpose: Endowment plans serve both as a protection cover and an investment vehicle.
  2. Maturity Benefit: These plans pay a lump sum amount upon maturity, unlike traditional life insurance that pays only on death or specified events.
  3. Premium Allocation: A portion of the premium is allocated toward the sum assured, and the rest is invested.

Q3: What Should One Consider Before Buying an Endowment Plan?

  • Financial Goals: Align the plan with long-term financial goals, such as child education or retirement.
  • Policy Term: The duration should match the time horizon for achieving these goals.
  • Premium Affordability: Ensure that the premium fits within the budget without causing financial strain.
  • Returns and Bonuses: Compare the historical performance and declared bonuses of different plans.

Q.4 Are endowment plans suitable for everyone?

Endowment plans can be suitable for individuals looking for both security and savings. However, it may not be the best option for those specifically seeking high returns or those with short-term financial goals.short,

Q.5: How are the returns on endowment plans calculated?

  1. Guaranteed Benefit: A fixed sum assured that the policyholder receives, either on maturity or in case of death.
  2. Bonuses: Additional amounts declared by the insurance company, which may be reversionary (added annually) or terminal (paid at the end).

Q.6. Is it Possible to Withdraw Money Before Maturity?

Surrendering the policy before maturity is possible, but it often results in receiving a reduced amount known as the surrender value. Partial withdrawals are generally not allowed.

Q.7. What are the tax benefits of endowment plans?

  1. Premium Payment: Premiums are typically tax-deductible under certain sections of the income tax laws.Maturity Proceeds: Sums received upon maturity can be tax-free, subject to prevailing tax regulations and conditions.

Q.8: How Does One Claim the Maturity Benefit?

To claim the maturity benefit, the policyholder needs to submit a maturity claim form along with necessary documents such as the original policy document and identity proof. The insurance company will process the claim and disburse the funds.

Q.9: Can the policy be enhanced with riders?

Yes, many endowment plans offer optional riders that provide additional coverages such as critical illness, accidental death, and disability benefits.

Q.10: What Happens If One Misses a Premium Payment?

  1. Grace Period: A grace period is usually provided to make the payment without penalty.
  2. Policy Lapse: Failing to pay within the grace period may lead to a policy lapse, but it can often be reinstated by paying the overdue premium plus interest.

Selecting the most suitable endowment insurance plan in Singapore can significantly impact one’s financial stability and future. Individuals need to consider multiple factors when choosing an endowment plan. One of the primary considerations should be the financial objectives and long-term goals. Different plans cater to various needs, whether for wealth accumulation, retirement planning, or funding children’s education.

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